

Page history last edited by Mary Schmidt 8 years, 9 months ago

  Gifted Academy 5:  Professional Learning in Gifted Programs


This Wiki houses handouts and materials for the course Professional Learning in Gifted Programs. Items used in class which you might be interested in printing are marked with an asterisk (*). All others are for resource purposes or are items which will be provided in hard copy for use in class.


515.270.0405 ext. 14375

800.255.0405 ext. 14375



PowerPoint - Day 1

This class will be a success if...

Event Planning Document final project (This will be completed and submitted electronically.)

PowerPoint - Day 2

PowerPoint - Day 3

PowerPoint - Day 4


What is Professional Learning?

"From Professional Development to Professional Learning"* article

Iowa Professional Development Model - overview which includes the Iowa Professional Development Standards

Mindset diagram* - Carol Dweck

"The Perils and Promises of Praise" - article by Carol Dweck

Teacher Growth States*

Getting to Know Adult Learners - characteristics and resources

Adult Learner Characteristics and Needs - padlet

Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning (Put cursor over "Standards" and choose the desired standard to view)

Engaging the Adult Learner Generational Mix - article

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - article by Marc Prensky

Do They Really Think Differently? - article by Marc Prensky


What Professional Learning do we need?

Standards in Gifted Education* - NAGC Web site

P-12 Program Standards* revised

Programming Standards Assessment Tool

Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria

Iowa Standards for School Leaders 

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Professional Learning Topics - padlet

Professional Learning Topics and Planning



"Taming the Content-Process Teeter-Totter"* - from The Presenter's Fieldbook: A Practical Guide


How do I develop/deliver Professional Learning?

Professional Learning Formats

Inservice Design template

Professional Learning Planning Template

Strategies and Tools for Working Together

The Choreography of Presenting - Kendall Zoller handout

Six Thinking Hats

Gifted Education bookmarks - courtesy of Carma McLaren, AEA 13

Professional Learning Units - Learning Forward 

What Are You? - .ppt slide


Evaluating Professional Learning



"The Kind of Schools We Need" - Eisner article

"Lessons Learned" - article by Karen Rogers

Research Synthesis - Karen Rogers

Special Ed Terms in Gifted Ed

"Pretty Good" - Charles Osgood

Accelerated and Enriched Learners - excerpt from When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers by Jim Delisle and Judy Gailbrath

Gifted Readers wiki

Facilitation Resources

Sousa Math Scale

A Guide for Starting and Improving Gifted and Talented High School Programs - Idaho DoE

Identification Activity - Presidential Advisory Board

Identification Activity Identities

Early Childhood Identification - webinar


Personal Learning Networks

     "Personal Learning Networks for Educators: 10 Tips"

     "Building Your PLN"

     PLN Google Presentation - Deb Vail



Transforming Professional Development into Student Results - Doug Reeves

Staff Development in Gifted Programs - Mary Landrum and Peggy Dettmer

Planning and Implementing Programs for the Gifted - James Borland

Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners: A Guidebook for Gifted Education


From Bertie Kingore

     Matching Strategy to Need

     High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker

     Reading Strategies for Advanced Primary Readers



The Pig Personality Test



Assignment - due two weeks after the end of this class

Part 1: Read "Supporting Teachers, Influencing Change" - article by Dr. Valerie Hastings Gregory and High Quality Professional Development - Ohio Department of Education. For each, identify 3-5 key pieces of learning for you and explain how they connect to the any or all of the four essential questions for this course. Be sure your thoughts include ways you will be able to use this information in your setting.


Part 2: Create a written plan for your professional learning opportunity using the Event Planning Document. Be sure this plan connects with the concepts and content from this course; is aligned with the characteristics and needs of adult learners; and reflects knowledge of the Standards for Professional Learning, NAGC Programming Standard 6: Professional Development, and the Knowledge & Skill Standards in Gifted & Talented Education For All Teachers. This plan doesn't need to be complete; e.g., while you will identify the chunks of content, you only need to do the teaching and learning cycle activities for one portion of one chunk.




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