Professional Learning in Gifted Programs
This Wiki houses handouts and materials for the course Professional Learning in Gifted Programs.
800.255.0405 ext. 14375
515.270.0405 ext. 14375
PowerPoint Day 1
"This class will be a success if..." Completed as a group activity and put into Google docs.
PowerPoint Day 2
PowerPoint Day 3
PowerPoint Day 4
What is Professional Learning?
"From Professional Development to Professional Learning" article
Iowa Professional Development Model - overview which includes Iowa and NSDC Professional Development Standards
Mindset diagram - Carol Dweck
"The Perils and Promises of Praise" - article by Carol Dweck
Teacher Growth States
Getting to Know Adult Learners - characteristics and resources
Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning (Put cursor over "Standards" and choose the desired standard to view)
What Professional Learning do we need?
Standards in Gifted Education - NAGC Web site
P-12 Program Standards revised
Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria
Iowa Standards for School Leaders
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Professional Learning Topics and Planning
How do I develop/deliver Professional Learning?
Professional Learning Formats
Inservice Design template
Professional Learning Planning Template
Four A's Protocol
Strategies and Tools for Working Together
Presentation Tips and Tools
Six Thinking Hats
Gifted Education bookmarks - courtesy of Carma McLaren, AEA 13
New South Wales Association for Gifted and Talented Children
"Lessons Learned" - article by Karen Rogers
Special Ed Terms in Gifted Ed
"Pretty Good" - Charles Osgood
Accelerated and Enriched Learners - excerpt from When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers by Jim Delisle and Judy Gailbrath
Gifted Readers wiki
Facilitation Resources
From Bertie Kingore
Matching Strategy to Need
High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker
Reading Strategies for Advanced Primary Readers
A Guide for Starting and Improving Gifted and Talented High School Programs - Idaho DoE
Sousa Math Scale
The Pig Personality Test
Part 1: Read "Supporting Teachers, Influencing Change" - article by Dr. Valerie Hastings Gregory and High Quality Professional Development - Ohio Department of Education. For each, identify 3-5 key pieces of learning for you and explain how they connect to the any or all of the four essential questions for this course. Be sure your thoughts include ways you will be able to use this information in your setting.
Part 2: Visit the Learning Forward Web site and read about the Standards for Professional Learning. Based on these standards, identify in a reflection what you would do differently as a teacher/professional learning leader and the recommendations you would make to your building principal.
Part 3: From your action plan, create a written plan for your professional learning opportunity. Be sure to include
Evidence of need
Learning Target
Content (big chunks)
Submit all three parts of this assignment no later than two weeks after the last class session.
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